The BLS Story in Short Videos

Our Composites Solve Real World Problems

See the many ways the components we manufacture can improve your end products and save you time and money using our composite technology.

Why replace a multi-part aluminum component?

Save assembly time and cut the weight up to 50%, all for a comparable cost. See what we were able to do for AB-Joost by creating a one piece, molded component using Bright Lite Structures composite technology.

How can you save assembly time?

Our composite technology can embed inserts in components BLS manufactures using in a single-step molding process. Components are shipped to you ready to install.

Our components weigh significantly less

Components we make with our composites weigh significantly less than aluminum, steel or conventional carbon fiber. Find out how much you can reduce the weight of your products.

Aircraft Seatbacks that Save Space

See how we produced a seatback so slim that an airline can include an extra low of seats or add more legroom for passengers.

Our components pass FAR requirements

Our numbers tell a great story! Learn how well Bright Lite composites pass the FAR 25.853 heat release test and meet FAA requirements for aircraft seating.

Our components pass thermal testing

See just how well Bright Lite’s heat transfer test results for thermal insulation stack up against other materials.

A five-Piece, Self-Jigging Automotive Chassis

How did we make a strong, light-weight, five-piece, self-jigging chassis for this sports car?

Truck Floors that Weigh 50%

To meet the increased demand for home deliveries, BLS is producing light-weight floors for manufacturers of delivery vehicles. By reducing the floor weigh up to 60%, the company can deliver more good per truck load and do more deliveries per day.